How I decided to become a practitioner – IHCAN Magazine Interview

I am proud to have been featured on IHCAN Magazine and have been interviewed by Rebecca Smith. You might find interesting how I decided to become a practitioner or read the entire article.

Integrative Healthcare & Applied Nutrition (IHCAN) magazine is the UK’s only monthly magazine for practitioners of integrative medicine. On their website, you can (subscribe) or read a free sample.

Why did you decide to become a practitioner?

I was inspired by my mum’s health struggles – she suffered from diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. I wanted to fulfil my mission in life, I aimed to “do something to help other people” gaining health. I also fulfilled my mission according to my passion for a natural life, as since childhood I’ve lived in direct contact within my grandmother’s farm, where all foods were rigorously homemade.

I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s myself. I had my child nine years ago, and after pregnancy, my body took too long to recover and I never regained my original shape and energy levels. I felt that something was wrong. I was always cold, gained weight which I couldn’t lose no matter what I did, had terrible fatigue, dry skin, poor digestion and I also found concentrating very difficult. I was eventually clinically diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, an autoimmune condition where my immune system attacks my thyroid.

I grew up knowing that nature has all we need and nature is where we should turn to for help, so I started to look into the power of nutrition as a healing tool. I decided to study naturopathic nutrition to deepen my knowledge and take control of my health. From then on, I started to experiment on myself, harnessing the healing power of naturopathic nutritional interventions and adopting a healthy lifestyle. I changed my diet, replaced all grains with gluten-free, replaced dairy with coconut milk, made extra efforts to eat a rainbow of vegetables, and had mostly homemade meals. I also took up yoga, meditation and allowed myself some time for relaxation.

Today I am successfully managing my health with the knowledge and clinical practice I have acquired, and with my personal experience, feel that it’s important to share it. Having Hashimoto’s has led me to specialise in thyroid and autoimmune conditions, with a special focus on problems with the gut, digestion, skin and weight management. This journey of discovery has led me to feel that this is where I can fulfil my mission to help others to recover vitality, health and joy.

I have called my company “Evviva Nutrition”; “Evviva” means “hurrah!” in Italian; it is an exclamation of joy, exultation and appreciation. Every day I celebrate the immense power of nutrition and I am delighted to share it and empower people to take control of their health.

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