My name is Veronica De Angelis

My passion for nutrition has its roots into my Italian origins as since childhood I was involved in my grandma’s farm life. Growing acquiring the knowledge of self-sustaining, homemade cooking from organic food has instilled in me the confidence that nature has all we need and to that we should refer when in need of help.
So when 6 years ago I felt that something was wrong with my health I started to inquire more on the power of nutrition and adventured going back to study naturopathic nutrition to deepen my knowledge and feed my passion. I eventually discovered that I had problems with my thyroid, being diagnosed with Hashimoto thyroiditis. From there I started to experiment on myself directly the healing power of nutrition. Changed my diet, replaced all grains with nourishing carbohydrates for my body, replaced dairy with coconut, improved the colours in my plate with many vegetables and mainly homemade. Started to take care of my lifestyle with meditation and yoga.
With a history of my own health challenges which resulted from a highly stressful life when work-family-life-balance hit the top, today I live a symptom-free and happy life where food has a massive part of my own recovery and want to share this amazing success with you. It all eventually led to my expertise on thyroid and autoimmune conditions, still linked to gut health, skin and weight management.